martedì 10 febbraio 2015

LiquidO con Jacopo Romei

Quando: il 16 febbraio 2015 ore 19:30 circa
Dove: LUISS EnLabs, Via Giovanni Giolitti, 34
Per iscriversi:

You might have heard of a new breed of organisational models, responding to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration needs within modern company structures.
Or you might have simply experienced the sound problems of slowness, rigidity, bureaucracy, disengagement along with various kinds of waste and bottlenecks that “traditional” organisational models generate and suffer nowadays.
This is what LiquidO™ is all about: the original “liquid organisation” model for governance, born from direct experience within Cocoon Projects and in use in a growing number of for profit and not-forprofit organisations willing to get liquid.